How to grow a plant?

                             some easy steps to grow a plant

  1. First we take a plastic bottle.
  2. Then cut it in half.Its better to paste the masking tape on the edges of the bottle so that it wouldn't harm anybody, Like this.
  3. After that put some sand and fertilizer in it.
  4. Then sow  some seeds. I sow the Okra seeds.

 5. In last give some water and put it in the sun light.

6. Give a little amount of Water in your plant daily.

I did it with my younger brother and mother.We painted the Pot and replace it in the bigger one. and Now it has been grew up like this. I really enjoyed it.And now I am waiting for the Okra to grow in my plant.


  1. Interesting post Muaviyah! I love the way you've shown step by step how your plant grew! Its amazing how big your Okra plant has grown! I expect the Okra will be coming soon, as the flower is already there. I enjoy doing gardening too! Have you planted any other vegetables as well?

  2. yes,I have grown lemon and chili but it didn't grow yet and thanks for liking my post

    1. Ok!
      Muaviyah, please do not spend too much time sitting in front of the screen as it could be harmful for your eyes. Do not sit on the computer for more than 20 till 25 minutes daily.

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  5. MashaAllah Muwaiya! great description

  6. This is really cool! I love how you've shown it step-by-step and illustrated it with photos. Well done! Maybe you could post a photo when it's fully grown? Keep it up! :)

  7. Masha'Allah! Thats great Muaviyah beta, I'm sure this experience will keep you going and you will plant many more plants as you grow up insha'Allah. Trees are good for the environment as they fight against pollution.

  8. This is wonderful. Step-by-step description of how plants grow with the photographs of each step will motivate others as well to grow plants.

  9. Wow thats a very nice and healthy activity, take care of the plant and keep growing more plants. I loved the the way u observe the plant and took pictures at every step and picture of fully grown plant waz amazing. Weldone !

  10. Now that your plant has grown flowers, the Okra will probably be on the way!

  11. Yes it is growing day by day


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