About Salam and Dua

  1. Salam is a dua for anyone
  2. We take 30 good deeds when we say Assalam o alaikum warah matullah hi wabarakatuhu.And 10 good deeds when we say Assalam o alaikum.
  3. We say 3 duas: salamti,  rehmat and  barkat
  4. Sometimes our dua have not been fulfilled because it is converted in some other good thing for us .
  5. Sometimes Allah SWT does not reply to our dua it is deposited to in our account and we'll get it's reward in the day of judgment.


  1. These are very important facts, Muaviyah. I think they're the ones discussed in Thinkers' Club. I've also mentioned in the report that you have compiled some facts about Salam and given a link to your blog.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It is a chapter in my school and I have learn some more points that's why i have written it.

  2. These facts about Salam and Dua are really interesting! I think Salam means Peace rather than Hello, doesn't it? Then doesn't Marhaban mean hello or welcome? I can't exactly remember. XD

    1. Jazak Allah!
      and Marhaban means hello and welcome.

    2. :) Yeah, that sounds right!


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